Want to overcome BAD LUCK? Prepare to slay some dragons!
“Creation is perfect. In its natural, untouched state, everything functions as it should… including you.” – In a nutshell, this is one the most important core principles that our entire approach to overcoming bad luck is built around.

The world – including you – was created by design, with intention. That’s why it’s not about the lie of “self-improvement” which we’ve unfortunately been sold for so long. At the root of it, overcoming “bad luck” isn’t about changing or “fixing” yourself. Instead, the key actually lies in going back to your true self and being able to tap into your optimal potential.
Sounds simple? Well perhaps it would be… if not for the DRAGONS.
Dragons are what we call the hostile elements that create BAD LUCK by keeping us from discovering our true selves and maximizing our potential. There are 3 types of dragons: the dragon that puts you in a dungeon, the dragon that casts a spell on you, and the dragon that breathes fire. Let’s go through them one by one.

First: the dragon that puts you in a dungeon.
This dragon is responsible for the loss of self.
Again, it’s important to understand that we all come into this world as perfect beings, with our true selves intact – I’m sure you would agree that a baby is incapable of being anything other than its own perfect self, right?
But as we grow up, many of us encounter situations where we are forced to stifle parts of ourselves. Some people are even brought up in circumstances where it is necessary to “hide away” to survive.
To illustrate, imagine a child who is bright and outspoken – she’s good at school and excels at practically every extracurricular activity and club she participates in. She’s eager not only to learn but to share what they’ve learned as well. However, imagine that this kid grows up in a tough household – a dozen siblings and parents who are struggling to make ends meet. Maybe the parents are too busy, or too tired, or just generally at their wits’ end, but every time she tries to talk about school or share her latest interests and accomplishments, she just gets brushed off: “Okay that’s nice, but could you please get back to your chores?” Maybe she’s outright shut down: “Look, nobody cares about all of that – don’t you get that none of that’s important? Now get back to minding your baby sister.” Maybe she’s even told to “Stop being such a show-off! You’re not special.”

Slowly, this child’s light gets dimmer and dimmer. Sooner or later, not only does she stop talking about these things, but she loses interest and stops trying as well. The dragon has successfully locked away that motivated, driven, confident self.
Second: the dragon that casts a spell on you.
So, if you are not moving through life as your true self, who or what are you then? A zombie – an artificial image that lives life in your place.
This dragon makes you perceive things and behave as if you were ACTUALLY this created image – you don’t even realize that you are under its spell.
Let’s look at HOW this dragon casts its spells.

In psychology, there is a concept of creating masks. There are 5 types of masks from childhood trauma – we are not going to get into them one by one here, but just to illustrate the concept, let’s go through a couple of examples.
Imagine a baby who is left alone in its crib, crying out for a bottle or a diaper change, but nobody comes to their rescue. Maybe mom is overworked and stretched too thin. Or, to take it to an extreme extent, imagine a parent who is consumed by addiction. In any case, what this instills in the baby from an early age is FEAR – fear that their basic needs are NOT going to be met, even when they reach out and ask for help. This is the trauma of rejection.
And what this trauma results in is the creation of the fugitive mask – as an adult, this child basically does everything to minimize themselves or even run away from tough situations, convinced that “I’m fine – I don’t need anyone or anything.”
Another example is the trauma of betrayal. Imagine a kid who grows up in a volatile environment – constantly walking on eggshells for fear of setting off an unpredictable parent who blows up at any little thing. Or maybe the betrayal comes in the form of flakey parents who say one thing and act another way or promise the world and never come through. What this does is cause this child to see people as untrustworthy – and treat them accordingly.
Again, this results in a mask: the controller. This child grows up always needing to be in control and take matters into their own hands: “I can’t trust anyone to do the right thing – and not hurt me – so I need to keep a handle on everything myself.”
Again, we’re not going to get into all 5 of these masks here, but when it comes to understanding dragons – especially Dragon #2 – the thing that is important to understand is: certain hostile elements cause a person to create a mask.
And when someone wears that mask, they are not being themselves. Each of these masks come with a set of lies they tell themselves – determining the decisions they make, bringing them further and further away from their true selves.
Lastly: the dragon that breathes fire.
There is this term of gaslighting, and it comes from an old 1950’s movie. In the movie, the husband changes the lighting of the room subtly using the gas lights, slowly convincing his wife that she was seeing things. Because of her changing perception, the wife became convinced she was deathly ill.
So, in the movie, the guy was using actual gas lights, but today the term gaslighting means basically doing the same thing using other psychological means. Someone – the dragon – engulfs you in lies, convincing you that your perception of reality is wrong and making you question your sanity.

The fire that the dragon is breathing is what is termed “viruses of the mind.” A good example of a virus of the mind would be – let's say you are brought up by an abusive parent who constantly tells you that you are worth nothing. “You will never amount to anything – you're useless. You don't know what you're doing.”
So, as a child, you can’t help but wonder if you can ever accomplish anything, because that concept – that virus of the mind – and that destructive fire has engulfed you. Even as you grow into adulthood, your perception is always going to be: “I’m not good enough.”
Another classic example of a virus of the mind is a philosophy – let’s take the strong belief that “All men cheat.” Maybe you learned it from your mom. Or maybe you saw this in your dad growing up. Maybe your friends told you that as part of some good-intentioned ill advice. So, it gets stuck in your mind, and your perception becomes: “If all men cheat, why should I stay loyal to my husband? He’s probably cheating on me anyway.”
See how we don’t bother to check these concepts against reality? By definition, viruses of the mind are the concepts we hear and internalize without stopping to question if it really reflects a reality. If it does, then it's an important building block for us to be able to understand the creator’s design, right? It’s useful to us because it has to do with the way that this world was made to function. But if it happens to be incorrect, then it’s indeed a virus of the mind – fire hurled at us by dragons.

So, now you’ve met all the dragons – the hostile elements that create BAD LUCK by keeping us from discovering our true selves and maximizing our potential.
Fighting the dragons begins with recognizing it when you see them and placing the blame of “BAD LUCK” on them.
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