Relationship X: One-on-one workshop, 1 month
The Mysterious Relationship X: What’s Wrong?
(AKA, Is it all in your mind?)
This is for when you feel that there is something terribly wrong with your relationship, but cannot put a finger on it.
What the heck is going on? Is it him, or are you doing something wrong? Is there a way to straighten things out? What happened to the love you had and why?
We are going to answer these questions in this discussion (and whatever other questions that you want to submit)
In many instances instances this relationship has started as a great passion, a burning love – but now you’re sensing a disconnect. You feel unappreciated. Devalued. Often brushed off. You’re starting to question your sanity and feel confused. You’re growing increasingly suspicious. You feel extremely alone. Starting to get engulfed by the relationship. You’re constantly walking on eggshells and starting to compromise your integrity and values. Your self-esteem drops and your doubts of yourself soar. And there is a constant cycle of extreme ups and down.
Here are the types of questions that we can cover:
- What the heck IS going on?
- How do you fix this – or do you?
- Defining Relationship X, understanding it’s dynamics – and it’s dangers.
- How to make the best of the situation and separate guilt from legitimate need for action
- What to do in order to stay sane, get the dynamics of this relationship under control and end the chaos in your life
- How to save this relationship if you want to – or leave without literally fearing for your life
- Your specific questions and situations
If you're not sure what Relationship X is, and if you should be looking further into its dynamics, watch this video. In this video I give a brief explanation of two types of relationships Normal and Relationship X. (On the flip side, If you feel there is a degree of toxicity in a your relationship, it can be classified as Relationship X and you can skip the video)
The Now-What of Relationship X:
How do I…?
Dating a vampire is a pain in the neck. (If you’re not sure what Relationship X is, and if you’re in one, I recommend that you watch this video. However, even if you know that you ARE INDEED dating an energy vampire – and still not sure if you should stay or leave – a lot of questions arise:
- How do you stop and/or prevent abuse (verbal or even physical)?
- What if there is infidelity? How do you stop and prevent that – and heal yourself?
- Your finances are devastated -- or at least royally messed up. How do I know? Because they always are in a Relationship X situation
- You have many questions, and it feels like your life is in chaos. You’re losing your mind – or at least are starting to question your sanity and/or values
- There is a lot of stress.
- And how do you deal with those hurtful insults, put downs and lack of appreciation for what you do?
- He may have even pulled a few dirty tricks on you, and now you’re trying to sort out a mess with your friends and/or family
- Your kids are starting to have problems – with you at home or at school
- You are trying to figure him out… or starting to get tired of walking on eggshells
The list goes on: the questions are many.
In this module we are setting out to answer them all!
This package includes:
- 4 weeks of COACHING THERAPY (the tools
- A Journey Journal
- Regular practice exercises
- Love's Safety Net book by Kim Cooper
- Video materials and exercises
- A detailed work through each of the challenging aspects of your situation
- A mind map of the dynamics and their proper solutions
- 2 live virtual Round Table Discussions
In this module we will cover the dynamics of your relationship (what is going on), discuss 4 pillars of success in a Relationship X situation and use this 4-pillar system to stop the exploiting of your good nature, get things on an even keel, resolve confusion and turn the tables in your favor.
▶️In this module we will also be going through the workbook and each of the 4 pillars, so there will be some homework in the form of a journal and feedback sharing.
▶️I will share a few additional tools (association meditations and self-soothing techniques)
▶️Our goal in this module is to get to the bottom of what is going on in your specific situation and offer you a solution to fix what needs to be fixed.
- After you sing up, we will schedule our introductory session, and I will meet with you in a video conference. (This is a chance for us to get to know each other, as well as time set aside for diagnostics and the overall discussion of the issue)
- I will leave you with some homework: journaling, exercises, assessments and tests to take, etc.
- I will be checking in a couple times per week for questions on the above
I will also be sending you additional materials to read or watch, if needed (in most cases it is)
- When we meet again, we will discuss progress and go to the next step
🦉Unless you're 100% sure that your problem is small, and all you need is a quick-once-over and everything will be resolved in 4 weeks or less, I encourage you to subscribe: you can cancel at any time, but that way you will get your first month at a discount