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The true Aromatherapy consists of the therapeutic application of 100 percent essential oils in baths, massages, compresses, diffusions, internal use, etc.

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Many people have found aromatherapy very helpful in terms of their general feelings of psychological and physical wellness. Aromatherapy uses volatile plant oils in a natural form in massage, candles and other delivery methods.

Aromatherapy uses "Essential Oils". The vapors from these oils benefit many people when they are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, giving physical benefit. The aroma of the inhaled oils stimulates certain receptors in the brain, given...

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Aromatherapy makes use of the essential oils from the plants and other aromatic compounds to help soothe the human mind and cure certain illness. You can do it at home with the help of essential oils, perfume, and cosmetics. When it becomes a part of pharmacology, it is known as clinical aromatherapy.

Aromachology studies the effects of different aromas on human behavior. Certain aromas are believed to have a relaxing effect on our mind and body. Aromatherapy includes not on...

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The art of aromatherapy had been practiced since the earliest times. Strong evidence was found to link aromatherapy to ancient traditions. Though aromatic oils had been used to treat and cure various ailments and conditions for who knows how long, the formal study on their properties only started in the year 1928.

In it's simplest form, aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils for therapeutic purposes. They are normally employed to relieve a person from stress and...

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The origin of aromatherapy can be traced back to the prehistoric period, in the countries of ancient Egypt, the Far East, and China. The concept aims at the holistic treatment of the human body by making use of the immensely useful essential oils obtained from various herbs and plants.

The essential oils are normally obtained from the various parts of specific plants extracted by distillation and applied along with diluters such as almond oil, coconut oil etc. The oil content in ...

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