aromatherapy RSS
Aromatherapy And Kids
A gentle hug, smile or a kiss are forms of connection, bonding between the parent and the child. A loving nurturing touch of massage on the feet, arms, hands, back, abdomen and legs is therapeutic for both the child and parent, usually the mother. Babies at six weeks of age can recognize their mother's ...
Sweet Smells For Success
Aromatherapy Scent
In some points in our lives, we all have experienced a certain memory recall elicited by a particular scent. Perhaps it was the scent of a favorite flower, or the perfume your friend used to wear. Whatever it is, the event can definitely produce positive or negative memories as it...
Aromatherapy of Rome
In the field of aromatherapy, there is a particular brand of aromatherapy candles that stands out as the best among many aromatherapy brands, that is, the Aromatherapy of Rome. The Aromatherapy of Rome, also known as AoR, has long been introducing and offering aromatherapy candles that are made from 100...
Healing Candle
Candles were commonly used as a healing therapy since ancient times, and this practice has even been performed by every near religion in the world. It is with this practice alone that the concept of aromatherapy healing candle was born with the notion that the aromatherapy healing candles can be...