Don't try to lose weight by changing yourself or the way you live...
...understand why you gain weight instead!
Then, battle the hostile elements that make you gain it: health problems, stress issues, inflammation and systemic toxicity -
- or even simply NOT KNOWING how things in your body work
(*We are not claiming that the entire program can be done in one month - we simply offer the it in one-month increments, since it will take different time for different people... and some may prefer to go on their own after they receive the initial guidance.
Subscribe for an ongoing discount - you can cancel any time, even after the first month)
System Minus-45 is a Holistic approach to health, longevity... AND, alongside of those, the way you look, that aims to help you achieve your ideal weight through restoring your health naturally.
Over the years, we have struggled with how to best describe this program.
First, we described it as a system that "Helps you lose weight naturally, without deprivation, hunger or gym membership". But although the statement is true at it face value, consider who we are competing with: it sounded like one of those scammy "guru advices": oh, eat anything you want, lounge on the couch all day and just take our supplement!😂😂 Wrong. There is often nothing natural to those "supplements" -- and this is why most of us are leery of them -- and rightly so. This approach has nothing to do with "taking the right supplement".
Then, we tried to describe it as an "Anti-diet weight loss approach". Warmer, but but there is one thing I cannot agree on with truly anti-diet culture -- and it's giving up on ever looking like an 18-year old supermodel.
Now, hear me out on this!
Hear me out, because this is, really, the core difference of the holistic approach versus your regular weight loss advice. The mainstream weight loss advice (and this is the concept of weight loss that anti-diet culture is fighting against, rightfully)claims that you need to starve, battle cravings, endure pain after strenuous exercise, and in other ways beat your body into submission.
Submission to what, exactly? Their idea of how weight loss is supposed to work, although very few people see actual results with this approach? (The reason diet and exercise works for some (very few) is actually a coincidence: it works for a different reason. But this is a very large subject that we are not going to get in here).
The anti diet culture rebels against this self-torture, but it makes another mistake, in my opinion: it tell you to "just forget about it" and -- here is the punch line, "accept yourself as you are".
And how exactly ARE you? Both the science and the common sense will tell us that no one was created to be weak, out of shape, devoid of energy and so forth. Be it an all-knowing, all-loving Creator or a couple billion years of trail and error (your choice of philosophy here), let's agree that when we were born, no mistakes were made. Not to mention that a perfect, attractive shape and high levels of vitality are survival mechanisms.
If we find ourselves gaining weight and lacking energy to move enough, its NOT because we are "overeating" (how can anyone accuse a person who eats when they are hungry of, basically, gluttony?) or lazy (same principle applies: how can you calla person who CANNOT do something "lazy" for not doing it?). It's because we have lost touch with how we were first created to be - in other words, because of different hostile elements that affect us.
For example, did you know:
- Latest studies in bioenergetics confirm a distinct connection between childhood trauma of humiliation and weight gain in adulthood
- Weight gain has been linked to environmental toxins (you know, air pollution, commercial cleaners and other things you had absolutely no control over)
- What has been considered "genetic" weight problems, in 85% of cases have been shown to be problems associated with generational eating habits (Did your mom make you eat your vegetables, as your body was telling you otherwise? This is what we are talking about here. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to inherited "toxic philosophies" of how we were trained to eat in our childhood)
There are just a few examples of how we are lead away from listening to our bodies and consequently messing up our metabolism.
And the solution is to NOT keep beating up our bodies even further. (Again, the anti-diet culture is right about this). But it's not in giving up the fight either. We simply need to start fighting against the right enemy: NOT against our own body, but rather against these hostile elements that stand in the way of our re-claiming of our birth-right to the ideal weight and looks.
With System Minus 45, you can lose 45 lbs. in 45 weeks1… without deprivation, cravings, hunger, or going to the gym. And no, it's not a pill or anything like that.
As a sneak preview, here are a few highlights of the differences in the approach that we take with System Minus-45:

- What many people get demotivated with the most, is not knowing for sure that what they are doing is actually contributing to the desired results.
For example: you're told to stay away from fat. You battle cravings, you avoid social gatherings where your diet may become an issue (in other words, change your entire lifestyle over this) -- and you keep hitting plateau after plateau... and then you hear that people who have been doing Keto are seeing amazing results. So, was all this suffering for nothing? You cannot tell, and this is the point here.
In System Minus-45, we will arm you with a way to monitor how what you eat, what you do, and any other change is affecting you ON A DAILY BASIS. This way you can easily tell if what you ate affected you or not -- each day, every day.

- ⬆️⬆️Not very many people can honestly say this right at this moment⬆️⬆️. But this is literally how the method works: instead of FORCING you into the routines that are non-conductive to your schedule and lifestyle or into a diet that your taste buds consider foreign, we start with YOU. What foods do you prefer? What time DO you have? What are your energy levels right now? Then, we make the above mentioned small steps to finetune everything into balance. You will discover this balance by learning to listen to your body (both on the physical level, and the other holistic levels, such as social habits, stress levels, and so on). Our goal to to achieve THIS KIND OF BALANCE, where you and your healthy lifestyle have no conflict.
But here’s the thing: no matter how hard you try, calorie-counting and strenuous exercise will not work IF YOUR METABOLISM IS OUT OF BALANCE.
Experience the System Minus 45 difference:
Achieve the MOST results, with the LEAST discomfort.
Say goodbye to the frustration that comes with extreme restrictions, forcing willpower, and other major changes – we will be working WITH your body… not against it.
NOT a diet, NOT a pill, NOT a workout
Created by a certified holistic coach, this is a systematic, science-based approach.
The ONLY program that helps you outsmart bad genetics
Created based on the latest in-depth metabolic studies and science of Natural Medicine, this program is designed to reset your metabolism.
Simple, step-by-step, and supported
Because we use the Kaizen approach of making 1% improvements every day, you'll find yourself going from “I can barely walk” to “I can run a mile” effortlessly.
Side effects? AMAZING health and an overall better life.
Not only will you lose the weight and finally keep it off for good, but because this program is grounded on a holistic approach, you’ll feel and perform better as well. Some ‘side effects’ include: overcoming health issues (sore joints, bad back, blood sugar issues, etc.), looking younger, boosting your energy, focus, and productivity… the list goes on!
Flexibility to take it 1 step at a time
If you want to take the plunge but can’t quite commit to the full program just yet, this no-obligation subscription option allows you to pay-as-you-go monthly and cancel anytime with just 1 click.
▶️Our goal in this module is to get to the bottom of what is going on in your specific situation and offer you a solution to fix what needs to be fixed.
- After you sign up, we will schedule our introductory session, and I will meet with you in a video conference. (This is a chance for us to get to know each other, as well as time set aside for diagnostics and the overall discussion of the issue)
- I will leave you with some homework: journaling, exercises, assessments and tests to take, etc.
- I will be checking in a couple times per week for questions on the above
I will also be sending you additional materials to read or watch, if needed (in most cases it is)
- When we meet again, we will discuss progress and go to the next step
🦉Unless you're 100% sure that your problem is small, and all you need is a quick-once-over and everything will be resolved in 4 weeks or less, I encourage you to subscribe: you can cancel at any time, but that way you will get your first month at a discount. Any current sale prices will apply to the entire subscription.
1This refers to AVERAGE results. People with underlying health problems (thyroid disorders, diabetes, extremely overweight) may move through the program slower, while others may achieve their results a lot faster.