Acmeological Approach to the Formation of Healthy Lifestyle Among University Students
This article examines the formation of a healthy lifestyle among higher education students through the lens of acmeology.
From the point of view of acmeology, the essence of health is defined in a new way: health is the integral integrity of a person, which is manifested in the optimal unity of the social and biological aspects of the development of individuality in specific conditions of life based on the priority of spiritual and moral values.
The analysis of the essence of health as a concept showed that health is: the value of a person; the harmony of mental and physical well-being; the system of attitudes and motives of human behavior in the social environment; normal functioning and activity of the body; the presenceof a stable psycho-emotional sphere of a person to life; physical and mental performance of a person; resistance to various factors of life.
Versatile view on the interpretation of "health" has allowed us broadly from different perspectives to consider certain aspects of this concept: consistency and making commensurate soul with body, the adaptive capacity of the person to environment, opportunity, opening of creative potential of personality. Thus, the concept of "health" includes medical, philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and social aspects.
It is impossible to be physically healthy without being spiritually healthy. Both concepts are compatible with each other. Nevertheless, a nation with a healthy and spiritually healthy generation cannot be broken. As we aim to build a nation that is physically healthy, highly spiritual and united by a single national idea, we must teach it to live a healthy lifestyle.
The most important challenge facing humankind is the development of a socially and hygienically sound lifestyle that contributes to the development of scientifically sound, social and hygienic activity in the field of labor and recreation.
Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the education system should be carried out consistently, in different directions, in a specific program, in specific areas. In particular, it is aimed at providing students with the basic medical and hygienic knowledge of healthy lifestyle on the basis of the acmeological approach in higher education, and on the other, adherence to strict hygiene rules for youth, and the development of daily habits of surrounding health.
As well as promoting healthy lifestyle through the media, it should also integrate the content of education in schools, lyceums and colleges in cooperation with all educational institutions.
The way people live is influenced by specific events and changes in their lives. The development of society, the growth of information flows, the increasing demand for fast-paced lifestyles, and the complexity of interpersonal communication and relationships are affecting factors of the students' mentality.
As a result, they are becoming more responsible for choosing a set of behaviors based on their own destiny, family, community, and the mental, emotional, and freedom aspirations. This kind of lifestyle often requires the prevention of various types of nervous disorders that may occur in students.
Achieving this goal [of health] requires, primarily, the establishment of a healthy lifestyle on a personal and social scale, and the implementation of key areas for achieving its continuity. This requires understanding the nature of the problem and knowing how to solve it—educating a person who has the knowledge, skills, skills and habits to maintain health of himself and others.