90 Day Money Back Guarantee
We will refund your entire investment for any of the products that come with this guarantee IN FULL within 90 days of the initial purchase.
If you have purchased a subscription THAT OFFERS THIS GUARANTEE, all the monthly payments that fall into the INITIAL 90 day range (commencing upon the date of purchase and ending 90 days from the date of purchase) will be refunded. After the 90 days, you can still cancel the subscription at any time and owe no future payments, however prior payments will not be refunded after the 90 days have elapsed from the date of initial purchase.
For the series that consist of parts that are sold separately as separate products (for example, programs consisting of multiple steps), this guarantee covers that specific step or stage only, even if you have purchased other parts of the related program in the past, or plan to purchase them in the future.
Subscriptions can be cancelled with one click via PayPal:
1, Login to your account at www.PayPal.com
2, Go to "Pay and Get Paid" --> Subscriptions
3. Select your subscription from the list and click "Cancel"
To cancel any other product and to request the refund that you're eligible for, please fill out this form SPECIFYING the product that you wish to cancel and the date of purchase:
Send us a message to cancel and request refund