Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month
Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month
Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month
Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month
Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month
Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month
Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month

Anger: how to tame it and make it serve you: One-on-one workshop, 1 month

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Anger: One-on-one workshop, 1 month



We will start with a discussion where we will exchange  important insights and then answer any questions that you may have. We will then proceed to working with the specific issues, using Bioenergetic Therapy Approaches.
(Bioenergetics is a form of a holistic psychodynamic therapy, which focuses on the person's own inner resources and seeks to place control into each individual's hands, as guided by the therapist  -- as opposed to the other way around, as is customary otherwise)

I will also often share additional articles, videos, exercises, meditations and other tools and materials if the situation calls for them.



🔥This approach has been proven to be 65% more effective in life coaching and therapies as compared to transitional appointment structure.

EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE: After you register, you will be given a link to click - then simply follow the prompts! 

▶️No appointments to keep


No re-arranging your work schedule, sitting in traffic or waiting room... for a 15 minute dialog. Ask your questions anytime, engage when your life schedule permits, do the work when it is most comfortable for you.

▶️Full control of the process

You will be in charge of the therapy by listening to your body and making informed decisions based on the information that the coach will share with you.

The coach will help you answer all the questions that arise, and will guide you through the life/situation improvement process by inviting you to  discover and use the tools that can help you change the situation and turn the tables in your favor: learn how to get a deeper insight into the situation though understanding of what is going on and why, get in touch and work with your thoughts and feelings though taking a deeper look into what is going on inside of you, heal your past wounds and regain yourself back by using energy science methods and approaches, and so on.

You can work at a time and place which is most convenient for you - without the added stress of re-arranging your schedule or explaining to everyone around what you're doing.

▶️ Ongoing interaction with the coach /therapist

As opposed to the traditional appointment-based approach, where your interaction with the coach is limited to about an hour a week, the asynch approach allows for ongoing, immersive experience with the therapy and a steady, uninterrupted "life-line" to the coach... without putting any demands on you.


Here is what the process looks like:

🟢After a short introduction via messaging chat, we will start with a zoom session, which will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.

🟢I will be giving you some homework, which we will subsequently go over during the week. Depending on the nature of your objective and questions, these may be journals, exercises, meditations, and so on

🟢We will then continue the discussion in the messaging format: ask your questions as they arise, share your progress, get clarifications as you're working on your "therapy homework"

🟢The coach(es) will also record short videos where we will answer your questions or give you further guidance

🟢The messaging app will often be programmed to send you important reminders to help you stay on track. (For example: "Are you still watching out for XYZ?" or "Don't forget to make a journal entry on ABC today", etc.) 

🟢The second zoom meeting will be scheduled mid-way through the session to help us stay on the right track and discuss live any issues that were not a good fit for the messaging chat

🟢We will also share other reading/watching materials which I feel are pertinent to your situation.






Is this verbal abuse or did you legit pissed them off? Why is it so difficult to apologize – and should you? And what do you do if you live with a person who is constantly mad at you?

As opposed to the proverbial “anger management” treatment, this approach  actually works: this is not about how to effectively suppress anger or use self-soothing techniques. It’s about how to heal the underlying pain that causes you to be angry every time the wound is touched – and discover and bring out the enormous potential underneath instead. 

On the flip side, if you're constantly dealing with someone who is constantly triggered like that, knowing how to safeguard yourself from being hurt is also crucial.


  • Where does anger come from and why it is so difficult to keep to from creating problems around us
  • The dynamics of anger: it takes too people. Is verbal abuse aimed at you being overlooked?
  • The fact that anger is two-fold: no one simply gets angry for no reason -- we get triggered by people and events around us. But why? And why, then only one person in this scenario gets blamed... the one who got provoked?
  • The fact that anger is a symptom of childhood PTSD - a form of childhood trauma, which is no less painful than combat-related PTSD... sometimes more painful, actually -- and as much overlooked as the war PTSD was just a few decades ago.
  • What do you do if you're a constant target of someone else's anger? How do you live with it? How to you keep it from rubbing off on you and constantly re-traumatizing you further?
  • Understand that anger is a pain/trauma response
  • How to stop blaming yourself for losing your temper and discover and activate the potential that your body is replacing by anger
  • How to turn anger into triumph and stop the problems which it has been causing you
  • How to deal with an angry partner, parent or a co-worker
  • How to protect yourself from being hurt by their anger without necessarily abandoning the relationship
  • Your specific questions and situations


▶️Our goal in this module is to get to the bottom of what is going on in your specific situation and offer you a solution to fix what needs to be fixed.


After purchasing the module, you will be give an link to download our coaching app (Telegram) and instructions on how to connect with the coach. Simply follow the prompts!