


Healthy Freezer Meals eBook

Healthy Freezer Meals eBook

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The purpose here is to cook once – and then just pull out a self-made, home-cooked “freezer meal” the size of entire family, once you get home from work (or errands) and everyone’s hungry AND looking up to you for a solution. This approach is indispensable when you’re A) trying to cook organic and B) have a full time job with a hideous commute. Welcome to my experience-base solution to eat healthy and yet preserve your sanity!

The Healthy Freezer Meals Recipes is the fastest and easiest way to arm your family with healthy meals for those days you don't feel like cooking. It is filled with dozens of delicious home-cooked meals that are all made with natural organic ingredients! Your family will truly love these recipes! This book's recipes are so easy to cook, even the kids can help out in the kitchen. Yes, the healthier freezer meals do exist! This book focuses on recipes to make at home and freeze for later use. Most of the meals are prepared from ingredients found in one’s refrigerator or pantry.

With the explosion of Frozen Meals section in the grocery store, you either need to be very careful or even avoid it. You will find that some are full of chemicals and preservatives which are harmful to your health. The items are expensive, unhealthy, and even contain monkey hair according to the Chinese Consumers Association. Furthermore, it doesn't have any nutrition values for our bodies which leads to overweight or even obesity issues. That is why this eBook was designed - so you can have fun cooking with freezer meals recipes, full of healthy ingredients to help promote better health as well as mouth-watering recipes your whole family will love!